The GCSB’s brake on innovation

It started with a Tweet from Steve Cotter, CEO of REANNZ: Trying to do the same in NZ, but govt's TICSA legislation makes deploying SDN/NFV in backbone networks challenging — Steve Cotter (@SteveCotter) February 22, 2015 Before we go any further let’s unpack some of those acronyms and add one more: REANNZ – “REANNZ … Continue reading The GCSB’s brake on innovation

Does the new GCSB Bill give them the power to spy on New Zealanders?

There’s been a lot of confusion in the media recently about how much the GCSB will be able to spy on New Zealanders when the GCSB Bill passes. When even Peter Dunne gets it badly wrong in the “Ask Me Anything” article he did in the National Business Review (see q4 from Rick Shera), claiming … Continue reading Does the new GCSB Bill give them the power to spy on New Zealanders?

Speech to the Auckland public meeting against the GCSB Bill

Text of Thomas Beagle’s speech to the Urgent Public Meeting to Oppose the GCSB Bill held in Auckland, 25th July, 2013. (Or watch video of all of the speeches.)   Introduction Liberty I’m from Tech Liberty. We’re a group dedicated to defending civil liberties in the digital age. I want to start by explaining what … Continue reading Speech to the Auckland public meeting against the GCSB Bill

GCSB Bill – Oral Submission

Text of our oral submission to the Intelligence and Security Committee concerning the GCSB Bill. Introduction I represent Tech Liberty, we’re a group dedicated to defending civil liberties in the digital age. We see many problems with this bill and the thinking that lies behind it, problems that we described in our written submission. Today … Continue reading GCSB Bill – Oral Submission

Submission: GCSB Bill

Full text of the Tech Liberty submission to the Intelligence & Security Committee concerning the Government Communications Security Bureau and Related Legislation Amendment Bill. Summary Tech Liberty has deep concerns about the extent of the powers granted to the GCSB by this Bill, especially when combined with the proposed changes to the Telecommunications (Interception Capability) … Continue reading Submission: GCSB Bill

Will the GCSB ban Apple from New Zealand?

Apple recently released a statement about their cooperation with law enforcement. It includes: For example, conversations which take place over iMessage and FaceTime are protected by end-to-end encryption so no one but the sender and receiver can see or read them. Apple cannot decrypt that data. [Update: see this discussion about whether this is entirely … Continue reading Will the GCSB ban Apple from New Zealand?

GCSB’s new powers for wide-spread spying on New Zealanders

There have recently been a number of revelations about the US government spying on its citizenry and other people around the world (a good summary). Many people have been shocked to find out the extent of the US’s spying and access into theoretically private systems. What many New Zealanders don’t realise is that the NZ … Continue reading GCSB’s new powers for wide-spread spying on New Zealanders

Does the TICS Bill really give the GCSB control and oversight of NZ telecommunications?

After our recent article looking at the TICS (Telecommunications Interception Capability & Security Bill), we were contacted by Brad Ward, the Programme Manager of the Telecommunication Review at the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MoBIE). He had some issues with what we wrote, and in particular he rejected our claim that the bill gave … Continue reading Does the TICS Bill really give the GCSB control and oversight of NZ telecommunications?

Govt proposes GCSB control over NZ communications in new TICS Bill

The government has announced two new Bills for reforming the GCSB and expanding their powers. The first is the GCSB and Related Legislation Amendment Bill (PDF) and the second is the Telecommunications (Interception Capability and Security) Bill (PDF). This article is a summary of the major parts of the TICS Bill. The TICS Bill is … Continue reading Govt proposes GCSB control over NZ communications in new TICS Bill