Tag Archives: democracy

Media Release: Tech Liberty welcomes planned Section 92A revision

New section 92A of Copyright Act does a far better job of balancing civil liberties and copyright enforcement.

Commerce Minister Simon Power released a statement revealing an intended framework and policy to replace Section 92A of the Copyright Act. This section, meant to come into force this year, was suspended after a broad coalition of rights holders, ISPs, and stakeholders opposed the original vague and ill-defined wording.
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ACTA and the New Copyright Deal

Why New Zealand should withdraw from the secret and anti-democratic process around the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) treaty negotiations.


  • New technology is creating challenges to copyright and therefore the content industry.
  • Our copyright laws will need to change in a way that meets the requirements of everyone.
  • The ACTA process is trying to use a secretive and undemocratic process to change our copyright laws to satisfy one sector.
  • The New Zealand government should withdraw from the ACTA negotiations and keep to treaties that can be publicly discussed.

Continue reading ACTA and the New Copyright Deal